Age Concern Petersfield News

Up To Date With Age Concern

Sheridan Rocher

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 20:35

Cheque Presentation

McDonald Homecare kindly fundraised for our charity at the recent Petersfield Festivities. The public had to spin a wheel to raise funds for us and other charities. Sheridan received the cheque of £200 which will be put towards running our services for the local older community. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 20:31

D-Day Anniversary

The wonderful team at Lunch Club celebrated D-Day with style by decorating the room and tables to welcome in members for the D-Day 80th anniversary. Pictures were taken of everyone and will be made into a booklet as a keepsake of the event. Thanks to Marian, our cook, and the team of volunteer helpers that always put so much thought into making lunch club special.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 21:12

Welcome to Kym

A warm welcome to Kym Devine who is now the Co-ordinator for our Outings and Transport services. Kym already worked for us running our Help at Home Service, but has now expanded her role to keep our drivers, minibus and outings all running smoothly. For a copy of the latest outings programme, see the link on this website. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 21:09

Birthday Donations

A huge thank you to Ann Lee, one of our lunch club clients, who recently turned 90 and was thrown a party by her family. Instead of gifts she asked for donations to our charity. I’m pleased to say that her generous friends and family raised £341 for us! We rely on donations and legacies to run all of our services so this thoughtfulness was very much appreciated.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024 21:06

Silver Charity Craft Bags

The Silver Charity donated 60 fabulous gift bags to us which we handed out to our lunch club members. They were delighted to receive them. Inside were puzzles, crafts, a notepad and pencils, and some sweet treats. It really brightened up everyone’s day.

Tuesday, 05 March 2024 22:10

New Body Positive class

Our Body Positive class has been so popular that we have created a second class. Led by Bobbie, the class uses a chair as a prop to strengthen every muscle in the body. They have a good laugh and many go to the Winton’s Cafe afterwards which has been an unexpected bonus of holding the classes at Winton House. Some of our attendees have also roped their husbands into coming along. We run the classes in blocks of 6 weeks on a Friday morning for £30. Do let us know if you would like to join the next group.

Tuesday, 05 March 2024 22:07

Mens’ Cookery

The new Men’s Cookery classes are a joint venture with Age Concern, the Men’s Shed and Winton House. At the pilot class in January six men came together to make spaghetti bolognese from scratch and enjoyed a glass of red wine afterwards as they ate together. The next class focused on making a chicken curry. We will be running more of these in the future so let us know if you would like to learn how to prep and cook tasty meals and impress your loved ones and friends!

Wednesday, 20 December 2023 13:33

IT coaching - new January course

Got a new device and need to gain confidence in using it? Our next IT coaching course starts on 18th January. Book to have 6 weeks of one to one tuition. Bring your devices and learn what you want to learn at your own pace. Contact us for more details.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023 13:32

Thank you Tesco & the Lions

Another shout out, this time to Tesco who provided this gorgeous Christmas hamper and the Lions who provided funding towards our Christmas party. We really appreciate all of this support from the local community to help make this time of the year special.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023 13:26

Christmas Cheer

Congratulations to Marian, our cook, who prepared a delicious Christmas lunch for 60 of our lunch club members, and for the recorder trio for their entertainment. It was a massive achievement to cook for so many, helped by our wonderful team of volunteers. As you can see our clients also got into the Christmas spirit! A big thank you also to Waitrose who paid for everyone’s meal.

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