The Team behind Age Concern Petersfield

Meet the People looking after you
Sheridan Rocher

Sheridan Rocher


  Sheridan Rocher

Tel: 07852 172998

Kym Devine

Kym Devine

Help at Home and Transport/Outings Co-ordinator

 Kym Devine

Tel: 07949 500673

Marian Leybourne

Marian Leybourne

Lunch Club Cook/Co-ordinator

  Info ACP

Tel: 07852 172998 


Leo Seymour

Finance Officer

 Leo Seymour

Tel: 07891 638844

The Age Concern Petersfield Board

Rosemary Bishop, Chair of Trustees

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Peter Rush, Trustee

Maroulla Sullivan, Trustee

We Welcome New Volunteers

Join Our Awesome Team at Age Concern Petersfield
Contact Sheridan for more information