Age Concern Petersfield News

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News (69)

Thursday, 11 July 2019 11:04

Thank you!

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A big thank you to our IT coaches, minibus drivers, lunch club helpers, and trustees who are the unpaid workforce of our charity. Without them we could not run anything. We held an afternoon tea party in their honour and enjoyed home made cakes and a really warm friendly atmosphere.

Friday, 10 May 2019 11:01

Charity Walk for Peace

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Thank you to all of the walkers who turned up to support Age Concern Petersfield at this annual event put on by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association. This event raises funds for local charities and we were thrilled to take part this year. After a sunny walk through Petersfield with nearly 400 others, we were treated to a curry.

Tuesday, 07 May 2019 10:54

Arts and Crafts Exhibition

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Wow wow wow. We cannot thank the organisers enough for developing their idea into a fully blown exhibition of arts and crafts for the over 60s. It was just amazing to see the talent on show and it was lovingly put together with so much heart. The amazing team ran the exhibition over the May bank holiday weekend and had hundreds of visitors and raised £600 for Age Concern Petersfield. Thank you!

Monday, 28 January 2019 17:00

Come and say hello!

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We're holding a coffee morning on Saturday 16th Feb, 10-12noon. If you'd like to get out and about more, or need some help at home, then come and have a chat over a cuppa and cake to find out about our activities and services, and pick up our outings programme. All welcome. See you at the Winton House Centre, 18 High Street, Petersfield.

Friday, 21 December 2018 14:09

Christmas Festivities

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We were lucky indeed to have Father Christmas visit us on two separate occasions at our Xmas lunch club, and our Xmas party. Thank you to the very kind members of the public that thoughtfully filled shoeboxes for Father Christmas to hand out. Our Xmas party had a fantastic turn out filling the hall at the Community Centre. Thanks to Herne Junior School Choir and the George for providing us with the entertainment.

Thursday, 20 December 2018 14:03

Who ate all the pies?

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Look at these amazing pies produced by Sea and Spud - the fish and chip shop on Sheet Street. Marian, our new lunch club cook, won them in a ‘design a pie’ competition and very generously donated them as a meal for our lunch club members. All tucked into their Steak and Ale pies on the last lunch club meet up this year.

Friday, 09 November 2018 10:09


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Pop your green tokens into our slot when you next shop at Waitrose. it raises much needed funds. We are there for the month of November.

Friday, 09 November 2018 10:04

Annual Meeting

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What a fantastic turn out we had at our Annual Meeting! Over 25 volunteers, staff and trustees attended to hear about the charity's achievements over the past year from Rosemary, the Chair, who thanked everyone for their vital contributions. Drinks and nibbles were enjoyed afterwards.

Friday, 09 November 2018 10:01

Goodbye to Sue

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We were sorry to say goodbye to Sue our Lunch Club Cook. So many people came to say farewell. Good luck in your new job Sue. We will all miss you and your legendary roast potatoes.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018 14:56

Mad Hatters

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Here are a few of us at the mad hatters table in Hotham Park on our day trip to Bognor. With this fabulous weather we had two minibuses laid on, lunch at the fabulous Age UK Laburnum Centre, and an afternoon of Music Hall delights at the Alexandra Theatre. Thank you to Churchers College for loaning us the additional minibus which meant that more people could come along.

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