Age Concern Petersfield News

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News (69)

Thursday, 24 August 2023 21:19

Thank you, Waitrose!

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Lunch club clients were absolutely thrilled when Marian, our cook, announced that a donation from Waitrose meant half price meals for three weeks. A freshly cooked two course meal was available for just £3. There was a buzz of appreciation around the room. Thank you Waitrose - it really made a difference.

Thursday, 01 June 2023 22:52

Chair-based Exercise

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Would you like to improve your balance, core strength and stamina? Come and join our chair based exercise programme, where we use a chair as support or as a seat depending on your physical needs. It is surprisingly effective as a way to work every part of your body. Details of when and where will be released soon so contact us to register your interest.

Thursday, 01 June 2023 22:51

Coronation Celebrations

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What a wonderful week of events here at Age Concern to celebrate the King’s coronation with celebrations at our lunch club and an afternoon tea party at Bereleigh House in East Meon. We were thrilled to be invited to such a beautiful setting and grateful thanks to our hostess.

Thursday, 01 June 2023 22:49

Charity Walk for Peace

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We had a beautiful sunny walk at this year's Charity Walk for Peace held at the Hogmoor Inclosure in Bordon. Thank you to everyone that sponsored us. The event is an initiative of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association – part of the UK’s oldest established Muslim community and as ever was well organised with a delicious curry afterwards. There will be a cheque presentation later in the year.

Wednesday, 15 March 2023 11:26

Outings Progamme 2023

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We are delighted to have our programme of outings ready for booking. Once again we are heading off to Highclere Castle, on a solar powered catamaran around Chichester Harbour, and Tangmere museum as well as new places to visit. Or join us to celebrate the Kings Coronation at our afternoon party in East Meon.


   Outings Progamme 2023  

Tuesday, 31 January 2023 21:23

Let’s Get Moving Classes

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Let’s Get Moving - Build strength to music, for all levels of mobility. Next set of 4 classes starts Monday 13th February, 3-4pm, at the URC, College Street, Petersfield. £20 for all 4 classes.

Contact Sheridan to book a place. Call 07852 172998, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tuesday, 31 January 2023 21:15

Mindfulness Course

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Mindfulness - Find calm in the midst of life’s challenges. Join us for a free taster session on Thursday 9th February 2-3pm, with a four week course starting Thursday 16th February. All classes held at Winton House, 18 High Street, Petersfield, £20 for the 4 week course.

Contact Sheridan to book a place. Call 07852 172998, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Friday, 30 December 2022 20:30

Congratulations to Nicky!

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Nicky, one of our minibus drivers, has raised over £3,000 for our Linking up Against Loneliness project with her bike ride from Cambodia to Vietnam. We are so incredibly proud of her…and then she was back for a few days and went off skiing! We think she is actually super woman. If you’d still like to give please go to her just giving site

Friday, 30 December 2022 20:28

Thank you to Tesco customers

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Wow! After an appeal in store organised by Janine from Tescos we were gifted with over 130 wrapped chocolate gifts for our clients. It really was so heartwarmingly generous of the local community. Thank you so much everyone.

Friday, 30 December 2022 20:27

Lunch Club Christmas

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Our cook Marian, and her wonderful team of helpers, produced a delicious Christmas meal for lunch club. At one point Marian seemed to have roast potatoes up to her armpits! She was presented with a voucher from all of the clients, flowers from the helpers and gifts from the trustees. She gave a wonderful speech saying how much she just enjoys cooking for everyone. We look forward to many more of her delicious meals in 2023.

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